Masquerade Celebration Bash!
June 20, 2015 - Saint Cloud, Florida
*No Entrance Fee! Free to the community!*
WeHaveAFace.org celebrated our Masquerade Celebration Bash on June 20, 2015! We are so pleased that so many came out to join us! Here are the winners of the raffles:
Huntington's Disease Community Raffles
2 Raffles Beautiful DNA Puzzles!
Maxine Harris of Georgia
Sherry Kendall of Pennsylvania
2 Raffles: Cool DNA Blow-up Models!
Jaime Tramontana of New York
Kathy Huff of Florida
2 Raffles: Care Baskets
Vicki Owen of Florida
Rebecca Cook of North Carolina
3 Raffles: Red Lobster Gift Cards ($15.00 each)
Amanda Kell of Ohio
Tom Owen of Florida
Stacey Sargent of Georgia
1 Raffle: "Blood Brother" - Book by Mona Gable
Mark Johnson of Florida
1 Raffle: Maine Pure Maple Syrup (courtesy of Mike Fernald Sr.)
Theresa Fegan of New Jersey
*We apologize for not raffling (3) $50.00 gift cards. We were unable to at this time.*